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Hello, I am Jan. Experienced and certified Oracle PL/SQL & APEX developer with product owner attitude, passionate about clean code, blog author, recognized as ♠️ Oracle ACE Pro.

I am from Prague, Czech republic and I am available for work worldwide. I have been working as a professional developer since 2000, with Oracle database since Oracle 9i and APEX 3.2.


years of experience


official Oracle
courses absolved


active Oracle




open source


I had the opportunity to review the code he wrote... I was very impressed with two things: first, the quality of the code. It was easy to read, well-structured, and nicely formatted. Second, it was clear that Jan not only knew about a lot of the more recently-added features of PL/SQL, but he knew how to put them to use. If you have the opportunity to include Jan on an Oracle Database development project, I suggest you do not hesitate to take advantage!

Steven Feuerstein

Jan is a knowledgeable person who is eager to help others. I am impressed in how much he keeps moving forward in a very fast pace. He really stands out of the crowd combining both great technical and managerial skills making him to a highly valuable Oracle developer.

Madicoye Djiba

Jan is constantly looking at developing his Oracle knowledge. Using Oracle webinars, trainings and official certifications to confirm it.

Jonathan Bastide


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What I offer

Based on my experience I am offering courses on topics and with important details
which would helped me immensely when I started.

Real world experience

Important details

Flexibility & better prices




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